Holly Creek LiveWell Tips

Health & Wellness
HCLW Barefoot 06 2024 blog

Posted: June 5, 2024

Holly Creek LiveWell Tip for June

Try barefootin’

A recent study posits regularly walking barefoot in the grass for just 10 minutes can help reduce inflammation and pain, plus improve blood flow, sleep, and more! They believe this skin-to-earth contact with our planet’s natural electromagnetic field can also rebalance our bioelectrical systems to support cellular health. Give it a try! There’s nothing to lose but your socks and shoes.


May 2024 – A doodle a day

Ongoing research on doodling has uncovered its incredible cognitive and mental health benefits, particularly for older adults. The seemingly mindless activity enhances concentration and increases memory retention and blood flow to the brain; all while reducing stress and anxiety. Best thing is everyone can do it! So grab a pen and paper, and doodle your way to better health.

April 2024 – Easy peazy, lemon squeezy

Start every morning with a glass of water with a bit of fresh-squeezed lemon juice! Drinking lemon water offers many benefits: it flushes your system of toxins, alkalizes your body, and helps your digestive system work as it should. This increases energy and fights inflammation. For an easy health boost, drink lemon water.

March 2024 – Keep on keeping on

Many people think that when they get older it’s time to slow down. However, we beg to differ, and medical science agrees. In fact, research shows staying active can help you stay healthier and be happier well into your 80s and beyond. So if you always have been physically active, don’t stop!

February 2024 – Grapes for the memories

New evidence suggests eating fruit or drinking orange or tomato juice every day can reduce dementia risk by 20 percent! Blueberries, peppers, and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables also do the trick. So mind your melon. Snack on fruit!

January 2024 – Celebrate aging and live life!

Studies show embracing the idea of growing older can lead to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling, joyful life. A positive attitude about aging significantly lowers your risk for many conditions. Age isn’t only a number, it’s a healthy mindset.

December 2023 – “Breathe deep. Smile long.” – Anthony T. Hincks

On average, people breathe 20,000 times a day. But if you set aside just 10 minutes two or three times a day to do deep breathing exercises, you’ll reduce stress, have more energy, and boost your immunity. And that’s something to smile about!

November 2023 – Live life on purpose

A growing body of evidence suggests that living with purpose may help you live longer. Whether it’s giving back, volunteering, or having a passion for painting, writing, exercise or whatever, finding purpose supports positive physical, psychological, and cognitive health. Remember, good health doesn’t happen by accident.

October 2023 – Flex your creative muscle

While physical exercise is a great way to stay healthy, study after study shows using your creative muscles may be another key to a long, engaged life. From painting, playing music, singing, and acting to writing or even knitting, any form of creative expression offers a host of health benefits.

September 2023 – “Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama

Sleeping for 7- 9 hours a night is super important for older adults. It’s good for your brain, heart, and lungs, improves energy and mood, and boosts your body’s ability to fight illness and repair damaged tissue. Get enough Zzzs and live a brighter life! 

August 2023 – Weigh-in to Live Strong

In a recent study, fish was identified as the single most important dietary factor to lower the risk of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. Fish is a key part of the Mediterranean Diet that countless studies show offer incredible net health benefits. 

July 2023 – Weigh-in to Live Strong

Multiple studies show older people who lift weights typically gain muscle mass and strength, as well as better mobility, mental sharpness, and metabolic health. It also increases bone density to guard against osteoporosis. Start low, go slow, and check with your doctor first. 

June 2023 – “I write to find out what I think.” – Stephen King

Emotional writing, such as journaling, is defined as writing that helps us make sense of our thoughts and emotions. Over 200 research studies have reported that “emotional writing” can improve both physical and emotional health. Start writing regularly and see (for) yourself.

May 2023 – Cultivate New Interests

Whether bonsai or bocce ball, curling or clarinet, finding a new hobby can be a real boost for your brain. In fact, there’s strong evidence that participating in an activity you really enjoy reduces stress and enhances well-being and overall health. Pickleball, anyone? Juggling?

April 2023 – Learn a New Language

Learning a new language increases the size of your brain! It’ll improve your cognitive abilities like intelligence and memory, plus lower your risk for brain aging, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Best of all, you don’t have to become fluent to reap these benefits. Enroll in a language class today. Your brain will say “Merci beaucoup” tomorrow.

March 2023 – Embrace Technology

Connecting with others has all sorts of physical and mental health benefits. Social media, video chat, email, and text messages are great ways to stay connected or re-connect with family and friends. Whether on a smartphone or computer, learning how is easy! So get with it and give the people you love a virtual hug!

February 2023 – Dance the Blues Away

Start a dance class or another form of exercise. Regular exercise offers significant physical benefits, but also reduces anxiety, depression, and stress. Plus, it improves your sleep and cognitive function. Sign up for something new and step up to a brighter you.
January 2023 – Throw a Party

The holiday season may be over, but why go into hibernation? Throw a party, because having friends over is good for your mind and body. Studies show socially active people are less likely to develop dementia and heart disease, plus enjoy better mental health and live longer. Party on and on!
December 2022 – Have a Purpose to Your Life

“Have a purpose to your life: Purpose does not mean having a job…You can have a job and still be unfulfilled.” — Maya Angelou

Finding purpose in life doesn’t end with retirement. On the contrary, that’s when it becomes most important. Volunteer, mentor, teach, nurture, give!
November 2022 – Lift Your Spirit

Spirituality is an essential part of being human, yet is the most neglected aspect of our selves. According to a Mayo Clinic study, people who are spiritual or religious often live longer, happier, more productive lives, enjoy reduced risk of disease, and feel better about themselves and life in general. It doesn’t matter if you find it in a house of worship, nature, art, or music. What’s important is that you find it.
October 2022 – Walk Fast to Age Slow

Recent research indicates walking speed is just as (or more) important for your health as doing 10,000 steps a day. Brisk walking is linked to better memory, better health and a longer life, so increase your pace until you are slightly out of breath or perspiring. Walking outdoors adds the benefits of vitamin D and light, but treadmills are great when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
September 2022 – Get Togetherness

Good health is influenced as much by feeling part of a community as exercise and diet. So, finding strength in numbers can literally mean just that!
August 2022 – If I Cannot Fly, Let Me Sing

Whether you listen to it, play an instrument, or even sing out of tune, music has an almost miraculous effect on our overall health. It boosts energy and creativity, reduces anxiety and depression, improves sleep, brightens your mood and so much more. Put more music in your life and play on and on!
July 2022 – Shop with a Farmer

Buying fresh fruit and vegetables at local farmer’s markets is a fun, delicious way to eat well and stay healthy. Plus, you’re outdoors, getting a little exercise, and may discover other interesting things while wandering the booths. Find a farmer’s market near you and make it a weekly adventure.
June 2022 – Wander. Wonder. Repeat.

Traveling is the one thing we buy that is guaranteed to make us richer. The benefits of regular travel to your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health are well-documented. Go local or global… just go!
May 2022 – Play Dirty

Gardening is good for you. Whether in your backyard, a community garden, or a container, it stimulates all the senses, strengthens our connection with nature, and offers a variety of proven physical and emotional benefits. C’mon, get your hands dirty!
April 2022 – Healthy Oil, Healthy You

A clinical trial of 7,000 older adults at risk of heart disease found those eating an olive oil-rich Mediterranean diet had 30% fewer heart attacks and strokes, improved lipid and cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure, too. Another study uncovered that people who ingested the most olive oil-derived polyphenols lived 9.5 years longer! So oil well and stay well!
March 2022 – Smile!

When the song “When You’re Smiling” was written in 1928, who knew science would later find smiling has real-life health benefits? Smiles release endorphins and other brain chemicals that fight stress, improve mood, boost the immune system and even reduce pain. Plus, smiling is contagious!
February 2022 – Go Out on a Limb

“Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. It’s where all the fruit is.” – Shirley MacLaine

In other words, never stop growing. And always eat your fruit!
January 2022 – You Are What You Read

Reading for just 3.5 hours a week (books more so than periodicals) is shown to reduce stress, enhance memory and promote better sleep. So, grab your favorite novel, and read your way to better health.
December 2021 – Shine On!

Sunshine. Just 10-15 minutes a day outdoors increases your body’s serotonin levels, which elevates mood. Safe exposure to the sun also creates Vitamin D, known to build bones, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. This winter, make a point to get outside in the sun every day, even just a walk around the block. And shine on.
November 2021 – Talk to your Doc

Whether at a regular check-up or to address a concern, always talking honestly with your doctor is the single most important way to stay your healthiest. In fact, research shows that those who have good relationships with their doctors are more satisfied with their care—and enjoy better outcomes. Here are some tips to talk the talk with your doc.
October 2021 – Sleep Naked

Numerous studies indicate sleeping in the nude improves your health! Sleeping without clothing lowers your body temperature, which promotes falling asleep faster and better-quality sleep. It can also keep skin healthier, reduce anxiety and even prevent weight gain. That’s the naked truth!
September 2021 – Far Out!

More than just a hippie flower child activity from the 60s, meditation offers powerful health benefits. It’s very easy to do, doesn’t require much time and research shows it can enhance short- and long-term memory, aid digestion, circulation and sleep, decrease stress, anxiety and depression and much more. Help yourself from the inside-out!
August 2021 – Go Fish!

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease (especially in combination with statins), type II diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Plus, eating this type of fish at least once a week can slow the cognitive decline associated with aging by 10 to 13 percent a year! That’s no fish story. Learn more about the power of fish from the Cleveland Clinic.
July 2021 – Think Fast!

Thanks to our ancient hunter-gatherer roots, the human body evolved to function well without reliable food sources. Today, intermittent fasting may actually improve your health and longevity, and protect against Alzheimer’s, type II diabetes and heart disease. And it’s much easier than it sounds. Talk to your health provider or a nutritionist before starting any new eating regimen. Think fast to slow the aging process. Read Healthline’s guide to intermittent fasting.
June 2021 – Brighten Up!

Being positive can influence a lot more than your mood. According to study after study, optimistic people feel healthier, actually are healthier, and live longer, too! Negativity stresses the body and elevates cortisol levels, which impacts heart health, sleep quality, weight and cognition. Always look on the sunny side of life! Learn more about positive thinking from Verywell Mind.
May 2021 – Espresso Yourself!

Whether espresso or regular Joe, enjoying 2–3 coffees a day reduces risk for several cancers, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Coffee is loaded with healthy antioxidants. Plus, a recently identified compound phenylindane may help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease! Darker is better. Hold the sugar and milk. Learn more about the health benefits of drinking coffee from Johns Hopkins Medicine.
April 2021 – Get Your ZZZs

Sleep may be as important to the health of older adults as diet and exercise. A good, restorative night’s sleep (7–9 hours) helps improve concentration and memory, allows the body to repair any cell damage that occurred during the day and refreshes the immune system. Sweet dreams! Learn more from the Harvard Health Blog.
March 2021 – Venture Forth

Research shows traveling offers a host of physical and mental health benefits. Travel’s new environments and experiences stimulate your brain, give life more meaning and help you stay in better physical shape, too. What are you waiting for? Go, and enjoy the journey. Learn more from the Global Coalition on Aging.

Holly Creek residents are living well. Learn more about the active lifestyles they enjoy here.

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Holly Creek Active Senior Living Community is owned and managed by Christian Living Communities and is a full service life plan community. We offer active Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care as well as Skilled Nursing, and Rehabilitation. Holly Creek Active Senior Living Community is located in Centennial, Colorado and services the areas in and around Greenwood Village, Englewood, Columbine, Cherry Hills Village, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Heritage Hills, Meridian, Dove Valley, Stonegate, Parker, Aurora, Lakewood, and South Denver. We also are an ideal senior community for those in the zip codes 80122, 80120, 80121, 80111, 80130, 80126, 80129, 80112, and 80124.

A Neighborhood of Christian Living Communities

Holly Creek Retirement Community adheres to all regulations as written in the Americans with Disabilities Act and The Fair Housing Act and accordingly prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, familial status, disability (whether it be mental or physical), or sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation).