Garden Renovation Brings Nature & Joy to The Suites at Holly Creek

October 2, 2024

The vision to transform The Suites at Holly Creek Gardens began in 2018. Linda Hellow is a team member at Holly Creek and a Registered Horticultural Therapist with a deep passion for sharing the benefits of gardening. She knew that she would receive full support from the Holly Creek community in bringing her passion to work to benefit residents.

Linda understood that gardening, or even simply sitting in a garden, could greatly benefit residents living with pain and anxiety. Enjoying the outdoors is essential for overall well-being. At the time, however, the gardens in The Suites were visited infrequently.

As the saying goes, it takes a village. Linda enlisted team members, residents, community members, and Donor Relations to bring the gardens to life. After years of planning and enduring the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the vision for the redesign of the Meadows and Timbers gardens was ready to be realized.

Thanks to caring gifts from residents, families, and friends, there were funds to begin the gardens. Christian Living Communities, Holly Creek, and the Holly Creek Volunteer Committee deserve a special thanks for their support for this project.

Holly Creek’s Executive Director, Michelle Fraternali, recognized the importance of investing in the gardens. It would help transform a largely unused space into a space that would enhance the life experiences of Holly Creek residents and their families.

the suites at holly creek garden flowers landscape

The vision included adding more trees and sunshades to create cooler gathering spots. The plan also called for increasing the variety and quantity of plants to enhance visual appeal and support Life Enrichment programming. The focus was on increasing the comfort and usability of the outdoor space.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the garden renovation has been the involvement of amazing volunteers. Holly Creek residents and volunteers eagerly rolled up their sleeves to contribute – digging, planting, and tending to the growing plants and flowers, even during the blazing summer heat. As Linda said, “They’re gardeners; they get it.”

For the residents, this experience brought back fond memories of caring for their personal gardens before moving to Holly Creek. Now, they have a vested interest in these communal gardens, and the camaraderie amongst the resident gardeners is palpable. Friendships have blossomed alongside the gardens and will continue to grow together.

Linda encourages residents to pinch off some herbs or snip a flower to take home and enjoy. She believes that plants bring joy and that we need their care just as much as they need ours. The gardens include herbs, such as lavender, mint, sage, berry bushes, and hollyhocks, offering culinary and sensory stimulation. Residents can even make teas from their garden harvests!

the suites at holly creek garden landscape

An aspect of the gardens already being enjoyed is the fountains. These water features were added to create a sensory experience while also helping to cool the ambient air. As the weather begins to cool, Linda and the volunteers hope to see even more people taking advantage of the gardens and all they have to offer.

As we transition into cooler months, the volunteer team will plant fall bulbs, allowing the community to look forward to bright pops of color after the long winter months. The best is yet to come! As Linda reminds us, “The gardens are never done. They will continue to grow into their space and in harmony.”

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