Meet Holly Creek's High-Tech Helpers - Hospitality Robots Curly, Larry & Moe

Colorado is known to be a high-tech state, and Holly Creek Life Plan Community, which embraces Colorado’s active lifestyle, is a high-tech community. A case in point are the three

welcome to our home sign

Centennial Retirement Community welcomes a new generation There was a time not too long ago when multiple generations of family members lived in the same community, often in the same

Successful diaper drive for babies in need
If you stopped by the Holly Creek lobby anytime in the last few days, you likely noticed the growing diaper mountain near the concierge desk.
Christmas Child

Holly Creek delivers 108 gift boxes to Operation Christmas Child Every child, especially in a year as difficult as 2020, deserves a smile around the holidays. This is exactly why

New CLC CEO “comes home” to keep Holly Creek and other communities strong
In a time when so many are feeling isolated, long-time Denverite Jill Vitale-Aussem is coming home to community — or communities, in this case.
Preventing Falls with Exercises to Improve Balance and Flexibility
This year, more than 25 percent of people ages 65 and older will experience a fall, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many of these falls
seniors playing with dog

Holly Creek Hosts Virtual Sneak Peak of Cottage Living In a time when COVID-19 has brought so much to a standstill, it can be hard to know how to explore

High Line Canal image
Join us online to learn about its storied history and the plan to preserve, protect and enhance the Canal at a special online presentation from the High Line Canal Conservancy.
cbs camera crew
Holly Creek featured on national news program CBS This Morning this Saturday the 13th!
welcome to our home sign

Moving to a Senior Community During COVID can be a Good Option Moving into a senior living community is a big step—settling into a new place, making new friends. With

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