student and senior using technology together

Non-profit ‘Generation Technology’ connects students to help older adults It’s common to assume that older adults struggle with new technology — it’s not unusual to overhear adult children complain that

Senior couple driving

Madge Morgan lists “living at Holly Creek” as one of the pros of retired life. For one thing, it allows her to continue her weekly grocery trips since she recently

pen and paper

When second-grade student Salt walked into the Holly Creek Life Plan Community, the first thing he did was look for his pen pal Karen Ramsey. He’d never met her before,

Fence gate

Holly Creek’s Nancy Tipton is featured on national TV – one of the Code Girls who helped us win World War II. First broadcast on March 31, 2019 on NBC-TV.

white flower

There are few places in our divided culture where people of all different beliefs can feel welcome. One of these special places, however, can be found at Holly Creek Retirement

Leading The Way With On-Site Urgent Care

About four years ago, Christian Living Communities faced a problem: resident turnover at Holly Creek was too high. They began working with a startup company, DispatchHealth, to bring urgent care

Holly Creek Vet Celebrates His 100th Birthday

Holly Creek’s Jim Burkhardt, a World War II veteran, celebrated his 100th birthday on the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. His secret of longevity: “moderation.” Check out these

nature shot of grass in sunset

Jim Burghardt, of Holly Creek Life Plan Community, shares his experiences in World War II – just before his 100th birthday! These segments were first broadcast on November 8, 2018


When she began to lose her sight, Marge Vitale couldn’t have imagined how this loss would inspire a new vision in those around her. Sixteen years ago, Marge was diagnosed

White Daisy Flower.

By the time the Potsdam Declaration called for the surrender of Japanese armed forces on July 26, 1945, most allied soldiers knew World War II was coming to an end.

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